In all my days (7,845 of them, to be exact) would I ever think that wearing white would ever come into style around these parts, but more and more I've started to see men donning everything from all-white Pumas and white gold jewelry to the ever-complex pair of white jeans. Amazing! White is a very crisp and versatile color to use during the hot summer months and with a little practice (and some help from yours truly), you, too, can bask in the glory that comes from pulling off wearing white:
- Accessories:
When pairing white accessories with your clothes, always make sure you don't over do it. There is no reason why you should have a white watch with a white shirt, shoes and jeans because in the end, you look more like the milkman than a fashionable human being. This watch from Nixon is a prefect compliment to any wardrobe as is this leather belt from J. Lindeberg.
- Shoes:
White shoes or loafers work well with a standard pair of original blue jeans, to say the least. But again, if you don't want to run the risk of looking like a sailor, do not try to go overboard by piecing too many white elements together. Try either a pair of Roma sneakers, courtesy of Puma or these slick driving loafers from Geox.
- Jeans:
- Jeans:

White jeans are very hard to pull off simply because most people associate white pants or slacks with either the neighborhood ice cream man or your elementary school's janitor. Whit that said, go understated with a pair of black Converse shoes or even black boots (if you're feeling adventurous). This pair, seen above, are from the good folks at Levi Strauss.
- Shirts/Outerwear:

White polos are a must during the unforgiving, summer months mainly because they do not retain heat nearly as much a shirt of a darker hue. I really have this affinity towards white blazers, more importantly, dinner jackets. There's almost a certain James Bond-esque feel to them. That's why I recommend this blazer from Armani Exchange and polo from Penguin.
1 comment:
White is the new black!
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