To honor those who have willingly given their lives (and savings accounts) to the never-ending quest for, well, ‘stuff’, I have taken the liberty of compiling a list of items, both past and present that every techno freak, geek and misanthrope should own. Or at least think about owning:
1. Western Digital 120GB Passport Hard Drive, $80,
2. Apple iMac, $1,200,
Granted, I am typing this very post from a PC, but don’t let me be misunderstood. My loyalty definitely lies with Apple’s latest line of desktop computers. Its integrated CPU design makes the iMac very portable and excellent for easy transport. Not to mention, they are just so damn sexy, right?
3. LG Dare, $199,
This is a very ‘smart’ phone considering the fact that the iPhone is still the must-have item of the decade. The Dare incorporates all of the syncing technology found on many of the leading handsets, but what sets it apart is its advanced touch-screen technology. Very fluid and highly responsive, the Dare is a smooth operator with amenities that stack up against the best of ‘em.
4. X-Box 360, $260,
Because it’s 2008, already. At least make very good friends with someone who doesn’t mind you freeloading in their house for hours at a time.
5. Lumix DMC-TZ50 Digital Still Camera, $450,
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