DubiousLive TV


DubiousSighting: Suite Sole's February Sneaker Preview

Terminator. Scandal. Dunk.

To the untrained individual, these words may seem like nothing short of gibberish, but to anyone who had the pleasure of attending Suite Sole’s February Sneaker Preview party this past weekend, these words are about as sacred as anything found in the Bible.

The newest lines of funky fresh sneakers made their debut during the event covering everything from the at-one-time-underground-but-now-a-mainstream-hit, aLife, to the industry staple, Nike. People from all over came out to the small but cozy boutique on the corner of Spring and St. Phillip Streets to show their love to Andrea and Gustavo Serrano, the husband and wife team responsible for the successful establishment of both B’zar and Suite Sole.

“We have been here for about four years or so and we make sure that we cater to the people before we do anything for ourselves. That’s how you keep people coming back,” Gustavo (or "Gus" as most of his friends endearingly refer to him) said in response to the recent closing of many Upper and Lower King Street establishments.

Even though B’zar, their flagship venture, has experienced the onslaught of the local small business shutdown, it did not extinguish their spirits (and hospitality) when it came time to showcase their newest shipment of limited-edition kicks.

“You see these right here!? They’re called the ‘Scandal’ because they are scandalous! You know? Wooo!” Gus exclaimed while he described a new women’s high top that was resting on the top shelf.

Throughout the night, everyone from Gus and Andrea, to store manager Walter Pinckney and the hordes of sneaker heads that poured into the place seemed to almost bask in the glow of every shoe and accessory perched somewhere either high or low on the walls of Suite Sole.

Some looked at them with sheer accomplishment while others looked with pure jealousy. But there was something different when it came to the way that the Serranos, practically the Bonnie and Clyde of the local shoe game, looked at things that night.

There was a certain excitement that would periodically streak across their faces, almost synchronously, when they would realize that this is what it was really all about. Screw the closings, the nation’s economic crisis, or even the guy in the corner who has tried on every shoe in the building with no intention of buying a thing.

It was about the people. The people who have made it their business to keep the Serranos’ alive for as long as they have.

The hipsters and the skaters, the mothers, brothers, uncles and aunts; the friends and enemies, near and far. And, yes, perhaps even that guy trying on all those shoes…



Jared said...

Nice blog, Brian. You might get a kick out of having a map on it. It's an easy way to have your readers find posts about things near them. Go to http://outside.in/geotoolkit to pick up a map for free.

Brian J. Wilder said...

Thank you, Mr. Smith. I am integrating that map feature as we speak. It would be a great addition to the whole 'DubiousSighting' feature...

Blank Label said...

god. i used 2 LOVE kicks.
still do, but have a greater passion for leather dressier shoes rather than street sneakers.
but these are great. Nike never stops amazing me with their latest kicks